HonorBound by Juicebox Wiki



Icon Evolve 1-2Chosen Assassin: “We are the first of many. The Chosen will bring this world its salvation.”

Icon Evolve 2-2Chosen Assassin +: “Upon my blades you will forget your woes, and you will see the joy of the new era.”


The minimum and maximum stats at level 1, and the maximum stats at level 100, 150, and 200. The stats differ by evolution process and the app version. The following stats may be outdated. See the Evolution Guide for more information.

Icon Evolve 1-2Chosen Assassin

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 323 283 296 275 277 347 1,801
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 2-2Chosen Assassin +

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 396 350 365 341 343 423 2,218
1(max) 0
100 0
150 0
200 0


Icon PiercingSteal

Ability StealMana: 3
Attack a target and steal an item (targets can only be robbed once).

Icon DarkSwindler's Ruse

Ability Swindler's RuseMana: 0 | Activation: Passive (automatic)
Diminish all enemies' luck attribute by a large amount.

Icon DiseaseAssassinate

Ability AssassinateMana: 12
Ambush a single enemy for massive damage in one round.


Icon Evolve 1-2Chosen Assassin

Icon Evolve 2-2Chosen Assassin +

  • Capture: Mission: The Enemy of My Enemy, Area 2: Wheels Within Wheels (Recommended Level: 67)
  • Capture: Mission: Reign of Silence, Area 5: Sea of Flame (Recommended Level: 90-92)
  • Capture: Mission: What Once Was Lost, Area 6: The Meeting Place (Recommended Level: 100)
  • Capture: Mission: Cataclysm, Area 1: The Crypt of Lights (Recommended Level: 100)


