HonorBound by Juicebox Wiki



Icon Evolve 1-4Evershade Orb Weaver: “Orb Weavers are constantly producing silk - the threads serve as a map that the blind spiders use to navigate the Evershade.”

Icon Evolve 2-4Evershade Orb Weaver +: “Orb Weaver silk is an incredibly durable material. The spiders regularly use their webs to ensnare creatures the size of Ogres without difficulty.”

Icon Evolve 3-4Evershade Orb Weaver ++: “Bladegossamer is a rare silk that Orb Weavers produce that is razor-thin. Unwary creatures may find themselves easily cut when in contact with it.”

Icon Evolve 4-4Evershade Orb Weaver +++: “Orb Weavers are incredibly intelligent huntes - they will ofren have Venomspitters coat their webs in poison, creating an effective trap for prey.”


The minimum and maximum stats at level 1, and the maximum stats at level 100, 150, and 200. The stats differ by evolution process and the app version. The following stats may be outdated. See the Evolution Guide for more information.

Icon Evolve 1-4Evershade Orb Weaver

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 335 271 299 279 311 312 1,807
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 2-4Evershade Orb Weaver +

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 410 337 368 345 383 384 2,227
1(max) 0
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 3-4Evershade Orb Weaver ++

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 458 381 414 390 429 430 2,502
1(max) 0
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 4-4Evershade Orb Weaver +++

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 510 428 464 438 480 481 2,801
1(max) 0
100 0
150 0
200 0


Icon SlashingCleave

Ability CleaveMana: 4
Attack a chain of enemies.

Icon ToxicPoison Strike

Ability Poison StrikeMana: 2
Imbue your basic attacks with poison.

Icon SlashingFlowing Cut

Ability Flowing CutMana: 10
Cause a chain of enemies to take damage over time.


Icon Evolve 1-4Evershade Orb Weaver


