Groups of players can join together in a guild to talk and achieve common goals and benefits. Initially, the Guild button reveals two tabs: Join a Guild or Create a Guild.
Join a Guild
- Joining a guild is easy: browse or search the existing guilds, view the information screens, and either "Ask to Join" or join outright based on what the guild settings require.
Create a Guild
- Creating a guild requires more steps and costs gold coins:
Guild Membership
- Guild members share a chat window and benefit from Relics that boost the stats of all members. Once in a guild, the Guild button reveals several tabs and options:
- Overview;
- Donate;
- Members;
- Relics; and
- tabs related to guild events, which may vary.
- Overview;
- Overview displays the guild name, banner, level, amount of Aether, and equipped relics on the left side of the window. Selecting Members reveals the membership list on the right side of the window, with current number of players and maximum allowed, player names, levels, honor scores (or event rankings, as applicable), and guild ranks (leader, officer or member). Selecting Donate reveals the option to donate coins to the guild in exchange for Aether. Once the guild reaches Level 5, members can donate heroes for both Aether and Affinity Shards (Abyss, Primal, Lunar, Spirit or Terra, based on the donated hero). Aether and Affinity Shards are used to purchase Relics detailed on the next tab in the guild screen, which boost the stats of all members. Increasing the guild level allows for more relics to be equipped.
- Main article: Guild/Donation
- Once the guild reaches Level 5, members can donate heroes for both Aether and Affinity Shards (Abyss, Primal, Lunar, Spirit or Terra, based on the donated hero).
- Unlocks: 1st Relic slot and XP Relic 1 (5% bonus)
- Unlocks: Coin Scavenger Relic 1 (10% bonus)
- Unlocks: Mana Relic 1 (1 extra mana at the start of combat)
- Unlocks: Hero Donation, 2nd Relic slot, and Slashing Resist Relic 1 (200 resist)
- Unlocks: Piercing Resist Relic 1 (200 resist)
- Unlocks: Crushing Resist Relic 1 (200 resist)
- Unlocks: Toxic Resist Relic 1 (200 resist)
- Unlocks: Disease Resist Relic 1 (200 resist)
- Unlocks: Attack Relic (5% bonus)
- Unlocks: Magic Relic (5% bonus)
Guild Prize
- Main article: Guild Prize
- Participate in guild events to earn Guild Runes.
- Use 400 Guild Runes to summon from a new set of heroes.