HonorBound by Juicebox Wiki



Icon Evolve 1-2Lord Xes: “As a skilled thief, Lord Xes is wanted dead or alive by many groups of people.”

Icon Evolve 2-2Lord Xes +: “The swords of Lord Xes are said to be made out of a concentrated energy. Suspiciously, the Chosen have recently misplaced a set of similar swords…”


The minimum and maximum stats at level 1, and the maximum stats at level 100, 150, and 200. The stats differ by evolution process and the app version. The following stats may be outdated. See the Evolution Guide for more information.

Icon Evolve 1-2Lord Xes

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 0
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 2-2Lord Xes +

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 0
1(max) 185 0
100 185 24,513 11,866 21,015 11,866 16,843 24,782 110,885
150 185 0
200 185 0


Icon LightCapture (abyss)

Ability Capture AbyssMana: 3 - 6
Get a chance to capture an enemy and add them to your army.

Icon DarkLost Art

Ability Lost ArtMana: 7 - 8
Attack a group of enemies with dark damage.

Icon DarkSlow

Ability SlowMana: 0 | Activation: Passive (automatic)
Diminish the initiative of an opposing squad.


Icon Evolve 1-2Lord Xes


