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Saurian Conjurer is a cross-rarity hero that changes the rarity from Rare to Epic at the evolve level 3: Oklea Spell-Sower.


Icon Evolve 1-4Saurian Conjurer: “The Saurian Conjurers use a form of magic that's derived from blood sacrifices. Their most powerful spells are thought to be able to sunder the earth, but at a heavy cost.”


The minimum and maximum stats at level 1, and the maximum stats at level 100, 150, and 200. The stats differ by evolution process and the app version. The following stats may be outdated. See the Evolution Guide for more information.

Icon Evolve 1-4Saurian Conjurer

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 180 257 158 235 180 211 1,221
100 0
150 0
200 0

Icon Evolve 2-4Saurian Conjurer +

Level Power Icon Physical Attack Icon Magical Attack Icon Physical Defense Icon Magical Defense Icon Health Icon Luck Total
1 0
1(max) 0
100 0
150 0
200 0


Icon FireArcane Blast

Ability Arcane BlastMana: 5
Attack all enemies with a fiery maelstrom.

Icon ToxicNoxious Cloud

Ability Noxious CloudMana: 15
Cause all enemies to lose health over time.

Icon DarkSiphon Life

Ability Siphon LifeMana: 15
Drain the health of all the enemies.


Icon Evolve 1-4Saurian Conjurer


